
be as you are中文是什么意思

  • 率性而为



  • 例句与用法
  • Now , you see , jim , so be as you are here , says he , i ll give you a piece of my mind
    “吉姆,既然你已来到这儿, ”他说, “我想同你好好聊聊心里话。
  • You have to adjust yourself to suit all those blind and unconscious people , and you cannot be as you are
  • Become as i am , because i also am as you are , brothers , i beseech you ; you have not wronged me at all
  • And he said , i will go with you : i am as you are , my people as your people , and my horses as your horses
  • Gal . 4 : 12 become as i am , because i also am as you are , brothers , i beseech you ; you have not wronged me at all
  • And jehoshaphat said to the king of israel , i will be as you are ; my people will be as your people ; my horses , as your horses
  • For a little while you will perhaps be as you are now , - a very little while ; and then you will turn cool ; and then you will be capricious ; and then you will be stern , and i shall have much ado to please you : but when you get well used to me , you will perhaps like me again , - like me , i say , not love me
  • 推荐英语阅读
be as you are的中文翻译,be as you are是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译be as you are,be as you are的中文意思,be as you are的中文be as you are in Chinesebe as you are的中文be as you are怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
